Friday, April 29, 2011

80% of U.S. Adults Concerned About Weight

Eighty percent of U.S. adults aged 18 and older are conscious about their weight, and 54 percent want to shed pounds by making exercising, cutting back on sugar, using low calorie or reduced sugar products, and restricting portions size, according to results of a new survey by the Calorie Control Council.

An additional 28 percent of Americans are trying to control or maintain their weight. Among weight-loss methods, 86 percent cut back on foods high in sugar, 85 percent eat smaller portions and 78 percent eat low-calorie and sugar-free foods and beverages. Sixty-four percent of Americans trying to lose weight said they perform moderate exercise for 45 minutes at least three times per week. Data revealed dieters also understand short-term approaches will not result in lasting success—only 17 percent skip meals to diet, 13 percent use diet pills, and 8 percent follow restrictive weight-loss diets.

Frustrated dieters cited several factors hindering them from reaching their weight-loss goals including not enough exercise (69 percent), metabolism slowing (62 percent) and too much snacking (52 percent). Fifty percent of women reporting eating for emotional reasons, while 44 percent of men said they overeat.

"It's all about calories in and calories out. For healthy weight loss, reduce calories while eating a balanced diet, and burn calories through physical activity," said Beth Hubrich, a registered dietitian with the Calorie Control Council. "A good way to start is by stopping any further weight gain by making small lifestyle changes. "Just cutting 100 calories a day can prevent the gradual weight gain experienced by most Americans. Continuing to increase regular exercise and eating smarter by reducing portions, and limiting fat and sugar intake will help in both losing weight and maintaining it. It is important to realize that these healthy changes need to be ones that can be maintained for life."


Calorie Control Council: Survey: Most Americans are Weight Conscious

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