Friday, May 28, 2010

Researchers from University Sain Malaysia developed a biodegradable plastic packaging

Researchers in Malaysia said they have developed a biodegradable plastic packaging from tropical fruit skins that is durable and economic to produce.

The Fruitplast product has been pioneered at the University Sain Malaysia (USM) and made from the skins of tropical fruits such as bananas, rambutans and chempedak.

Team leader professor Hanafi Ismail said the idea to produce plastic from fruit waste came about because of the perceived potential for bio-degradable plastic which is forecast to grow by up to 30 per cent a year.

“Commercial bio-degradable plastic such as polylactic acid (PLA) and polycaprolacton (PCL) that are available in the West are at least eight times as expensive as the petroleum-based, non-biodegradable plastic such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP),” said the professor. “We have developed a study to produce bio-degradable plastic using waste products from fruits to reduce costs but which can compete with the quality of the commercial plastics that are currently available in the market.”

Fruitplast is estimated to be 10 per cent cheaper than the petroleum-based commercial plastics (PE, PP) and is able to biodegrade within three to six months, said the team.

Two years

“This innovation also has huge commercial prospects not only in Malaysia but also world-wide because it is based on the concept of sustainability, is cheap and excellent for the packaging industry,” added Hanafi. “The durability of the plastic also has met the standards that have been determined and if it is not exposed to the elements (soil and weather), Fruitplast can remain in its original condition for up to two years.”

The university, which funded the project, said Fruitplast won a Gold medal at the International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) 2010, held in Kuala Lumpur recently.


Pendita ratu said...

ssngat menarik... saya student dari universiti tun hussein onn malaysia, jurusan mekanikal pembuatan...saya ada jgk terbaca tentang biodegable polymers ni.. sbb saya sekarang tengah mencari tajuk tesis yg sesuai... ape pendapat kamu tentang fiber yg terkandung dalam cendawan??... dan adakah ia boleh diguna pakai dalam industri packaging di malaysia...
harap awk bls comment saya...

Pendita ratu said...

firstly, the researchers in very interesting.I am student from university Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, bachelor in mechanical engineering and i in proses to search the suitable title for my question is what is your opinion about the mushroom fibers that contain in mushroom.. and it is relevant to use that in Malaysia packaging industry??.. hope you reply my comment..