Monday, December 08, 2008

An Open Letter to Terrorists

I am breaking away from my usual banter, news reports and recipes related to the consumer market in the food business.

This letter is for the ones who call themselves terrorists, kill innocent people and children with no remorse.

I do not understand why you cannot face a soldier or me for instance face to face and not create havoc on innocent people. Are you scared; I think you are a coward hiding behind a mask like an ordinary bandit.

I have read the Koran and for the life of me I cannot find an area about killing innocent people. The Koran only states to protect in self defense. The Bible has more violence than the Koran. Many of my Muslim friends are descent, caring people who also do not understand what you are doing.

I am sure Allah, God, Higher Being, Buddha (by the way all the same) does not approve.

Can you answer these questions or are your fake leaders holding you back from reading. You must realize that 99 and 9/10’s of the population in this world abhor what you are doing. Oh I got it! You were promised 72 virgins if you sacrifice your life uselessly. They misread it to you. It is 72 VIRGINIANS waiting for you.

I have a great idea so that you can have your own country and do what you want, but first we have to get the French Government to approve. They had an island called Devils Island that they use to put prisoners on it. We will all chip in, fix it up and call it Virgin Island, you can all live in your own peace and no one will bother you only if you dare to leave your Paradise island will there be retribution. Good idea, I think so, we solve two problems, we get rid of you and the other is the rest of the world can go live in PEACE.

Think about it if you have the mentality!!!!!

1 comment:

LeePsycho said...

Ron I love you man!

Keep up the good writing. Your thoughts are valuable, too bad the one's who should read this, probably will not.

I have come to believe Terrorism grows through ignorance. That ignorance is perpetuated by the 'leaders'.