Sunday, September 02, 2012


The ongoing debate over genetically engineered foods has been a hot news item of late, with Walmart announcing it will sell Monsanto’s GE sweet corn currently being harvested in the Midwest, and the upcoming election where California voters will decide the fate of Proposition 37, known as the Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act, which would be the first law in the nation requiring labeling of genetically engineered foods.

Good news out of Europe is the result of a recent Swiss study that concluded genetically modified plants pose a low risk to humans and the environment. As reported by Ag Professional, the researchers developed its recent study after its government voted for a 5-year moratorium on GM crops in 2005. About 30 projects were launched between 2007 and 2011 to study GM crops’ impact. All of the researchers concluded there were no identifiable negative effects on beneficial organisms, microorganisms or soil fertility.

“The national research program did not reveal any risk for human health or the environment," said National Science Foundation delegate Thomas Bernauer.

Scientists recommend continuing to conduct field trials because research showed that GM plants behaved differently in a greenhouse than in a field. The moratorium could be extended until 2017 if a pending motion is accepted by both chambers of the Swiss parliament.

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